Funen Printmaking Studio is a private institution based on the terms of an association of artists. The AGM hold a meeting every year where the Board and a President are elected. The daily manager and the Board of Directors are in charge.
The daily manager is Lene Leveau.


Funen Printmaking Studio is a unique cultural institution that creates professional visual art and thereby contributes to marking Funen as a part of the country with a rich and varied cultural life. The studio exists because there is a strong community of interest among graphic artists who want to develop the art and graphic professionalism. In the house, strong graphic traditions are cultivated and developed, and from here knowledge of the potential of the graphic medium is spread.

Funen Printmaking Studio is both a workshop, Artist in Residence, gallery and shop. That is, a small ecosystem with a strong history and derived unique spirit (genius loci = spirit of the place).

In 2026, Funen Printmaking Studio has been a reality for 50 years. We want to celebrate the idea together with current members, guests, Odense Municipality and the other Funen municipalities. The anniversary is the occasion to spread and increase knowledge of the graphic art in order to maintain a continued interest among the artists and the public.

Fyns Grafiske værksted vil fortsat rækker ud til børn og unge og indføre dem i grafikkens verden og hjælper herved en stærkt visuelt billedbåren generation/fremtidens voksne til med deres hoveder og hænder at reflektere og skabe billeder af den komplekse verden, de færdes i og er en del af. – Odense, 19. januar 2023

Funen Printmaking Studio is supported by Odense Municipality with DKK 165,476 annually and some projects are supported by the Danish Arts Foundation and other sponsors.

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CVR: 73002915

The Board of Funen Printmaking Studio 2024

Kirsten Muthisch Hesselager, president

Erling Janum, vice

Per Nielsen, secretary

Marianne Demant

Esbern Skovgaard

Roger Fohlmann

Jan Schmidt Nielsen, treasurer


Daily manager: Lene Leveau

Kirsten M. Hesselager

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