Print Pals
Print Pals is for anyone interested in printmaking, and who would like to be invited to special events during the year. Being a member of Print-Pals will give you a 10% discount when purchasing a print from our gallery.
You will also receive:
- our newsletter “Grafiknyt”
- Invitation to an annual trip with an artistic touch
- invitations to opening exhibitions
- the print of the year made by one of the members of Funen Printmaking Studio
Prices for a yearly membership:
Personal: 200 DKK
Retired: 200 DKK
Students: 200 DKK
Sign for a membership by email
Remember to inform us the following: Name, address, phone number, email address and which kind of membership you want to subscribe for.
Kan betales via MobilePay: 21 25 79 41 til kasseren Gerda Wassilefsky med mærket GrafikVenner.
~ Men husk at sende en mail også!